Hospital was again granted Accreditation by Australian Council on Healthcare Standard International (ACHSI) for commitment to continuous quality improvement in November 2023. The accreditation status is valid until December 2026.
Clinical Laboratory and Histopathology Laboratory obtained accreditations by The Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS)
Hospital was again granted Accreditation by Australian Council on Healthcare Standard International (ACHSI) for commitment to continuous quality improvement. The accreditation status is valid until February 2024.
Hospital is accredited by the Hong Kong College of Medical Nursing as a training center for Infection Control Nursing. The accreditation status is valid until March 2027
Hospital is accredited by the Hong Kong College of Perioperative Nursing as a training hospital for Perioperative Nursing. The accreditation status is valid until April 2027
Hospital was awarded certificate by the Alliance for Renal Patients Mutual Help Association for its contribution to the community services for renal patients.
Hospital was awarded 20 Years Plus Caring Company by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service for its commitment to corporate social responsibility for the community, employees, and the environment
Government gratitude letter received for contribution to government-led Community Vaccination Programme to combat the COVID-19 epidemic
Hospital was awarded certificate by Eye Care Charitable Foundation in recognition of its invaluable services and contributions
Hospital was awarded Good MPF Employer by Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority to recognize its retirement protection for employees.
Environmental Sustainability
Hospital is granted Carbon Credits Retirement Certificate by Shell for its participation in projects to reduce global carbon emissions
Commenced cooperation with a Non-government Organization to massively recycle plastic bottles and containers. Currently, around one tonne of plastic bottles has been recycled each month
St. Teresa’s Hospital pursue the environmental friendly practices including recycling of materials, reduction of waste, use of eco-friendly products, saving of energy and water. Due to the unfailing efforts on these practices, St. Teresa’s Hospital got the Bronze Award in the Category of Public organisation / Utility of the “GREEN PLUS” programme by CLP at the end of 2017. It gave recognition to our contributions on innovative environmental awareness practices and outstanding quantitative energy saving performance.