Admission |
Booking for admission must be made through the patient's attending doctor or resident doctor of our Out-Patient Department.
 | Items to be brought along | | Patients are advised to bring along their personal articles such as nighties, slippers, etc. | |
 | Registration | | Patients are requested to bring along their registration documents (e.g. admission letter, HKID Card/Passport, birth certificate) for Admission. | |
 | Deposit | | Patient must pay the required deposit by cash/EPS/credit card when he/she is admitted to the hospital. The official receipt should be presented to the Accounts Office at the time of discharge. The deposit paid will be deducted from the final hospital bill.
In case that the patient needs Special Care in SCU or undergoing Open Heart Surgery, he/she must pay additional deposit. The amount paid will be deducted from the final hospital bill. | |
 | Valuables or large sum of money | | Patient is advised not to bring along valuables or large sum of money and the Hospital is not liable for any loss. If you have to leave the ward temporarily for investigation or for an operation, the patient is advised to leave your valuables with your relative or keep them in the digital safe in the wardrobe / bedside locker provided. | |
 | Equal Opportunities | | According to the principle of the Equal Opportunities Ordinance, hospital facilities are intended for users of both genders rather than for particular gender.
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 | Ward Disciplines | | I) Changing of Room/Bed a) The Hospital reserves the right to make changes of room/bed for patients as needed. b) An amount of HK$200 will be charged for each change of bed or room requested by patients. c) When patient is transferred to another room/bed before 12:00 noon, the charge will be based on the room/bed newly occupied. If transfer is made after 12:00 noon, room charge will be calculated by the average charges of the two beds involved. Other associated charges will be on the basis of the new room/bed occupied.
II) Disciplines a) Smoking is strictly prohibited. b) Gambling in any form is not allowed. c) Please turn down the volume of audio visual equipment (e.g. television), and speak softly in order not to disturb other patients. d) No personal furniture is allowed in the ward/room unless permission is granted by the ward sister-in-charge. e) Keep windows closed when air conditioning is on and the air-conditioning temperature should be adjusted only by Hospital staff. f) Making fire of any kiind is prohibited (e.g. burning of candles or joss stick etc.) g) No washing or hang drying of cloth is allowed. h) The Hospital is not liable for any injury sustained by patients and/or their companions/visitors within the Hospital compound through their own negligence.
III) Gratuity Under the 'Prevention of Bribery Ordinance', any person who offers and receives money or present in any form of gratuity is liable to prosecution.
IV) Suggestions/Complaints Suggestions and comments are welcome. Please completed comment forms if necessary. | |
 | Patients Consent Form for Surgery | | a) Patients to undergo an operation should sign a consent form before the operation.
b) Parents or guardians must sign for patients under 18 years of age. If patient understands the nature of operation, he/she should also sign on the same consent form.
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 | Visiting Hours | | a) Daily from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm
b) In order to ensure a peaceful environment for patients, only two visitors at a time are allowed for each visit.
c) Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to visit patients, unless with the approval of the ward in charge.
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 | Regulations on Discharge | | a) Patients and relatives are requested to settle the bills at the Accounts Office before discharge. Please present your hospital deposit receipt for deduction from the final invoice.
b) Please let staff of the Accounts Office know the patient's name and the Room/Bed number before payment.
c) After settlement of payment, present your hospital bill to the nurse of the ward and collect medicine before leaving.
d) On discharge, please take away all your personal belongings including X-ray films, medicines etc. The hospital is not responsible for custody of properties left behind by patients.
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 | Room Charges | | No charge will be made on the day of discharge if the patient leaves before 12:00 noon. | |
 | Billing | | Interim bill will be issued to patients of all classes at 4-day interval for prompt settlement at the Accounts Office. For patients of Intensive Care Unit, interim bill is made every two days.
Business Hours of Accounts Office: Monday - Saturday 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Public Holiday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
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 | Hospital Fees | | Upon discharge, all hospital fees must be settled either by cash, local cheque, bank draft, EPS, UnionPay , Alipay*, WeChat Pay* or credit cards (At present, we accept Visa, Master, American Express and JCB). Please approach the doctors directly for the method of payment of the doctor fees.
*Alipay and WeChat Pay are accepted for payment of hospital bills only.
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 | Medical insurance claiming: with bill paid by patients for subsequent reinforcement | | a) A deposit must be upon admission. The Hospital is not responsible for insurance claiming on behalf of patients. Patients should deal with the insurance companies directly. The Hospital can make endorsement at the "Hospital Reference Parts" on the insurance claim form if the forms are presented to Accounts Office upon discharge. Otherwise, a service charge will be imposed on each individual case. For endorsement on "Doctors Parts" of the claim form, please contact the doctors concerned.
b) The name of patient registered for admission should be the same as the name appearing on the insurance claim form.
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 | Valid Letter of Guarantee issued by Employers / Insurance Companies | | The hospital only accepts Letter of Guarantee issued by employer or insurance companies who already have prior contract agreement with the Hospital. Credit arrangement can only be made if the patient is able to present a letter of guarantee issued by his/her employer / insurance company with details of his/her entitlements during Admission registration. Otherwise, deposit must be paid on admission. | |
 | Users of Medical Care Card accepted by the hospital | | The Hospital currently accepts certain medical care cards issued by the medical groups or insurance companies who have prior contract agreement with the Hospital. Patients who wish to use the valid medical care cards should present the cards upon admission. For enquiry of the acceptance of medical care cards, please contact the corresponding insurance companies. We do not accept letters of guarantee / medical care cards issued by overseas employers and insurance companies. | |
 | Extra Beds | | Relatives who wish to stay after 10:00 pm (whether they use an extra bed or not) are required to pay extra bed charges. However, there would not be extra bed charge for family member accompanying child patients aged 12 or below. Patient occupying bed of semi-private ward and general ward is permitted with only one companion, whereas two companions for private ward patient. Female companions are preferred for female and children wards for convenience sake.
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 | Other Charges | | Hospital fees do not include doctor's charges, i.e. surgeon, anesthetist, operation fees or ward-round fees, etc. Charges for physiotherapy treatment, laboratory investigations, X-ray services, Operation Theatre's service, C.T. Scanning services, medication, meals, and oxygen application, etc. are also excluded.
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 | Special Departmental Charges | | - Maternity & Nursery: Please refer to "Maternity Unit & Nursery Information".
- Special Care Unit: All special equipment used will be charged.
- Operating Theatre: Charges depend on duration of the operation, type of surgery and material used in each individual procedure. | |
 | Other Services Charges | | Administrative fee would be charged for the following services: (i) Searching of invoice, breakdown or payment record with certification (ii) Completion of an insurance claim form by a resident doctor (iii) Issuance of medical report by a resident doctor (iv) Other information requested by insurance companies
Please refer to "Special Services Fee Schedule" posted in the Notice Board outside the Accounts Department for detail information. | |
 | Damage | | Damages to hospital property would be charged to the patients concerned. | |
 | Enquiry | | Hospital Charges: 2200 3101 (Accounts Department)
Other Enquiries: 2200 3100 (Admission Office)
** All rights reserved for the Hospital. The above information is subject to change without prior notice.** | |