Full-Time / Part-Time Resident Doctor (Paediatrics)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
• To provide medical services in our Hospital
• To provide training to professional staff e.g. nurses, and to undertake other duties as required by the hospital
Job Requirement 資歷
• A qualification registrable in Hong Kong under the Medical Registration Ordinance
• At least 7 years’ post-registration experience
• FHKAM in Paediatrics

Full-Time Resident Doctor (Critical Care)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- To provide medical services in our Hospital
- To provide training to professional staff e.g. nurses and to undertake other duties as required by the hospital
- To undertake night and shift duties
Job Requirement 資歷
- A qualification registrable in Hong Kong under the Medical Registration Ordinance
- FHKAM in Medicine
- At least 7 years' post-registration experience
- Specialist Register under the specialty of Critical Care Medicine


Full-Time / Part-Time Radiologist
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
To provide diagnostic radiological services in our Hospital
Job Requirement 資歷
- A qualification registrable in Hong Kong under the Medical Registration Ordinance
- At least 7 years’ post-registration experience
- FHKAM in Radiology & experience in Angiographic & Interventional Medicine


Full-Time Resident Doctor (Dermatology)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- To provide medical services in our Hospital
- To provide training to professional staff e.g. nurses, and to undertake other duties as required by the hospital
Job Requirement 資歷
- A qualification registrable in Hong Kong under the Medical Registration Ordinance
- At least 5 years' post-registration experience in Specialist Register under the specialty of Dermatology with experience in cosmetic laser
- FHKAM (Medicine)
- Specialist in Dermatology

Programmer / Senior Programmer
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
Job Highlights:
- Full Stack developer experience in IoT, mobile, and web development
- Possesses knowledge and expertise in the healthcare industry

- Engage as a Full Stack Developer on Angular, Node.js, Android, ReactNative, and other programming framework
- Communicate with business users in gathering requirements and analyse business needs to meet hospital workflow
- Involve in system development life cycle like system analysis and design, integration test, user acceptance test and user documentation to fit in a large-scale enterprise environment
- Participate in both in-house and vendor development teams to deliver a timely and quality service
- Provide system maintenance and support to ensure sustainable development for the hospital
Job Requirement 資歷
- Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering or equivalent
- Development experience in web or mobile application is preferable
- Experience in Microsoft .NET, MS SQL Server is an advantage
- Strong analytical and troubleshooting skills, independent and self-motivated
- Have a good understanding of software development life cycle processes, documentation and methodologies
- A team player with good communication and interpersonal skills
- Candidates with less experience / fresh graduates will be considered for a junior position

Technical Support
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- Provide helpdesk support and troubleshoot technical issues within the Windows environment
- Provide technical support on projects, including installation, change and maintenance to ensure the efficient implementation of services
- Perform software and hardware upgrades and deployments
- Maintain deliverable quality standards, proactively identify and resolve problems for optimal end-user satisfaction
- Basic network equipment and administration of Microsoft Windows server is required
- Maintain IT hardware asset and software inventory
- Identify and suggest possible improvements to the procedure
Job Requirement 資歷
- Higher Diploma or above in Information Technology / Computer Science or equivalent
- At least 5 years relevant experience in helpdesk support
- MTA is preferred, MCSA/MCSE will be an added advantage
- Familiar with Microsoft applications, MS Windows, MS Exchange and Network operations
- Experience on IT project coordination is highly preferable
- Knowledge in M365 and iOS/Android device will be added advantage
- Good communication skill
- High integrity, self-motivated and customer-focused attitude


Registered Nurses / Midwives
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
RNs for OT, ICU, Geriatric, Medical, Surgical, Paediatrics, Neonatal & Obstetrics Wards
- RNs for Lithotripter & Urology Centre (will be trained as a Urology nurse & Stoma nurse)
Job Requirement 資歷
- Preferably with Nursing Degree

更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- provide physiotherapy treatment to patients
- examine and implement appropriate treatment program for patients
- explain treatment and rehabilitation steps to patients and family members
Job Requirement 資歷
- Registered Physiotherapist who must be flexible, skilled, independent and enthusiastic
- Good interpersonal and communication skills, proficiency in English and preferably Mandarin

更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- Perform & supervise medications-use process
- Supervise implementation & maintenance of clinical pharmacy services
- Aseptic dispensing of cytotoxic injectables
- Plan, develop and deliver education/training to pharmacy staff, patients and other health care professionals
- Assist Pharmacy In-Charge/Senior Pharmacist in the development and operation of hospital pharmacy services and assigned duties
Job Requirement 資歷
- Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy or equivalent
- Registered pharmacist with valid Practising Certificate issued by Pharmacy & Poisons Board HK
- Aseptic dispensing skill / experience is preferable
- Post-registration hospital experience as a pharmacist is preferable

Pharmacy Dispenser
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- routine dispensing in in-patient & outpatient pharmacy
- working store refilling & replenishment
- issue ward stock items & prepare bulk antiseptic solution
Job Requirement 資歷
- Higher Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology
- Antiseptic dispensing skill / experience is preferable
- At least one years' working experience as dispenser in hospital Pharmacy or clinics

Resident Physicist / Medical Physicist II (Oncology Centre)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- Perform treatment planning, dose calculation and dosimetry verification for radiotherapy treatment and brachytherapy.
- Provide quality assurance for radiotherapy and imaging equipment.
- Perform acceptance and commissioning of radiological machines.
- Work on radiation protection for staff, patients and public.
- Provide lecture and training for hospital staff in radiation protection.
- Resident Physicist has to undergo on-the-job training program with the objective to develop to be a Medical Physicist II.
- Other duties as directed by seniors.
Job Requirement 資歷
- A Master degree in Physics (General, Medical, Radiation, Health or Applied Physics) or Engineering (Electronic, Electrical, Computer, Microwave, Biomedical, Telecommunications or Medical Electronic Engineering) from a local university, or equivalent, and
- To be hired as a Medical Physicist II, completion of Resident Physicist Training (Radiotherapy Physics) in HA or equivalent is required.

Preferred Attributes / Skills
- Communication skills in both English and Chinese
- interpersonal skills and teamwork
- Precision and Carefulness
- Problem-solving skills
- Commitment to patient care
- Programming skills

- Selected candidate will be required to perform shift duty, on-call duties and work irregular hours
- Under special circumstances, he/she may be required to work outside normal office hours, Sunday and public holidays, attend emergency call and perform typhoon duty

病房服務員 (輪班 / 夜更) ($19,373 - $30,155)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 協助護士執行病人的基本護理
- 執行直接性及間接性的病人服務
- 協助護士執行臨床檢查及治療的文書工作
- 執行病房內之雜務工作
Job Requirement 資歷
- 中五或以上程度
- 能操流利粵語,書寫中文,閱讀及理解簡單英文
- 持有健康服務助理或保健員証書及有關工作經驗

更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 為病人抽取血液
- 為病人施心電圖檢查
Job Requirement 資歷
- 完成中五課程或具同等學歷
- 具備抽血員證書

更新日期: 07/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 協助管理職工進行醫院一般清潔工作,包括病房及公眾地方清潔、滅蟲、廢物處理、物料及病人運送等
- 培訓及監督職工表現以確保服務質素
Job Requirement 資歷
- 中五或以上程度,持有酒店管理或相關証書
- 具五年或以上相關督導經驗
- 良好溝通及督導技巧
- 能自發及獨立處理問題
- 需輪班工作

更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 探訪住院病人及協助安排院內宗教活動
Job Requirement 資歷
- 中學畢業或以上程度
- 性格成熟、耐心及有良好溝通技巧
- 曾修讀臨床牧靈教育(CPE)課程及具醫院探訪經驗者優先考慮
- 懂電腦操作及文書處理
- 須於星期日及公眾假期輪值

文員 - 會計部 (帳單/繳費)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 負責一般文書, 接待,計算帳單,收款及接聽電話等工作
Job Requirement 資歷
- 中五以上程度、文憑/證書, 具有關工作經驗者優先
- 輪班工作

文員 / 收銀員(通宵更)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 負責收銀工作,包括收取現金及一般電子支付工具
- 處理賬款收發記錄
- 提供櫃檯顧客服務
- 其他文書處理工作
Job Requirement 資歷
- 中五或以上程度、HKCEE/DSE 中、英文及數學科合格
- 懂 MS Office 及中、英文電腦操作
- 能自發及獨立工作
- 具最少一年工作經驗
- 具醫院或診所工作經驗者優先考慮

Clerk (Admission Department)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- Responsible for clerical and customer services duties in various departments
- Perform any other duties as assigned by supervisors
- Shift duty is required
Job Requirement 資歷
- Form 5 or above
- Customer-oriented with strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Good command of spoken and written English, Cantonese and Putonghua
- Proficient in MS Office and Chinese Word Processing
- Self-motivated and able to work independently

Secretary (Histopathology Laboratory)
更新日期: 04/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- Provide clerical support to the department
- Responsible for typing medical record
Job Requirement 資歷
- University graduate
- Fast and accurate typing
- Good command of English
- Audio-typing is an advantage
- Shift duty is required
- Preference will be given to the candidates with secretarial skills / accounting skills

Technical Officer / Foreman (Air-Conditioning/Electrical)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
Responsible for coordinating and supervising the daily air-conditioning and electrical maintenance work
Job Requirement 資歷
- Holder of building services, mechanical or electrical engineering certificates or above
- At least 8 years’ relevant operation and maintenance experience
- Holder of Registered Certificate of Electrical Worker Grade A or above
- Preferably with Certificate of Fire-tube Boilers & Steam Receivers Operator
- Shift duties required

更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
Job Requirement 資歷
- 持有電子技術員文憑及3年或以上有關經驗
- 應屆本科畢業生也可考慮
- 對醫院大型醫療設備有相關工作經驗者優先

管工 (冷氣/電器)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 負責屋宇設備包括冷氣或電器等維修
Job Requirement 資歷
- 十年或以上有關安裝、維修及保養經驗
- 需持有A電牌,持有B電牌更佳
- 持有相關冷氣、電器或屋宇裝備技術員証書
- 持有自動火管式鍋爐牌者優先考慮
- 需輪班工作

技術員 (冷氣)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 負責冷氣維修
Job Requirement 資歷
- 中三或以上程度
- 五年或以上有關維修保養經驗
- 持有學徒或技工以上之証書
- 需持有 A電牌,持有B電牌更佳
- 薪金最高可達$28,318
- 需輪班工作

更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 負責電器及電子維修
Job Requirement 資歷
- 五年或以上有關維修及保養經驗
- 需持有A電牌
- 中三或以上程度
- 持有學徒或技工以上之証書
- 持有自動火管式鍋爐牌者優先考慮
- 薪金最高可達$28,318

技術員 (鍋爐)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 負責鍋爐之日常操作、保養及管理工作。協助設備之維修保養工作及來去水系統及水泵系統保養工作。
Job Requirement 資歷
- 中三或以上程度
- 需持有認可之自動火管式鍋爐牌
- 持有認可電工A牌,水喉中工,大工牌,及具相關工作經驗者優先考慮

更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
Job Requirement 資歷
- 中三或以上程度
- 熟識烹調一般中、西、快餐
- 對食品創作充滿熱情
- 工作主動,勤力,良好溝通技巧
- 7年以上廚師經驗,具醫院工作經驗及餐單設計經驗者優先考慮
- 有各類認証審核如 ISO, ACHS, HACCP 經驗更佳
- 需輪班工作

職工 (庶務部) ($18,398 - $20,999)
更新日期: 05/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 負責病房及公眾地方之清潔,運送物件等雜務工作
Job Requirement 資歷
- 小六程度或以上
- 能操流利粵語,書寫中文,閱讀及理解簡單英文
- 持有家務助理証書及有關清潔工作經驗者優先考慮
- 輪班工作,編制為八小時一更

職工 (餐廳) ($18,398 - $20,999)
更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 負責水吧、洗碗、餐廳清潔、收銀,送餐及廚房雜務工作
Job Requirement 資歷
- 小六程度或以上
- 能操流利粵語,書寫中文,閱讀及理解簡單英文
- 具有關工作經驗者優先考慮
- 輪班工作,編制為八小時一更


更新日期: 06/02/2025

Job Responsibility 職責
- 執行日常保安工作,包括巡邏所有醫院建築物
- 監管出入醫院停車埸之車輛,以及指引往來及停泊醫院範圍的車輛及訪客
- 操作及監察保安器材及停車場系統
- 提供客戶服務,如解答訪客查詢及維持病人排隊秩序
- 處理及報告緊急事故
- 執行任何管理層及上司所指派的職務
Job Requirement 資歷
- 中三或以上程度
- 能書寫及講流利粵語;簡單英語及普通話
- 持有由香港警務處簽發的有效保安人員許可證
- 具一年有關保安工作經驗
- 每更12小時;輪班工作
- 薪金 $20,651至 $26,589